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Project: Nourish Mobile App

Role: Lead UX Designer

Project Overview


The Product: The Nourish app, is designed to promote healthy eating habits by providing users with affordable and nutritious recipes that cater to different dietary and health restrictions.


Duration: March 2023


My Role: Lead UX designer and researcher


The Goal: The goal is to create a healthy food app that promotes healthier lifestyles by providing residents of lower income areas with access to affordable and nutritious food options. The app will offer a wide range of healthy recipes and delivery services, making it easy and convenient for users to make healthier food choices.


Responsibilities: Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and integrating on designs.  


The Problem: This app was designed with lower income communities at the forefront. The limited availability of healthy food options in lower income areas leads to poor nutrition and health outcomes. A healthy food app with a range of affordable nutritious recipes and delivery options can address this issue and promote healthier lifestyles for these communities.


Understanding the user

  • User research

  • Personas

  • Problem statements

  • Competitive audit

  • Ideation

User Research Summary


I carried out simulated interviews with several users, and developed two user personas based on factors like age, location, background, and requirements. Although this was a valuable exercise at an introductory level, I plan to conduct surveys and actual interviews with users in the future, specifically targeting individuals from diverse global locations to broaden the scope of my research.

Pain Points


Diet Inclusivity

Users are experiencing difficulty finding recipes that fit specific dietary requirements, i.e. vegan, gluten-free, high cholesterol, etc.



Limited availability of healthy food options in their geographic location, leading to difficulty in finding ingredients or meal delivery services.



Lack of variety in healthy recipes, resulting in users getting bored with the same recipes/meals.



Overwhelming amount of information or options on the app, making it difficult to find relevant and useful content.

Meet the Users



Name: Aidom

Age: 27

Family: Single

Occupation: Therapist

icon (1).png


Name: Sid

Age: 44

Family: Single father, 5 year old son

Occupation: Software Engineer

As someone with dairy sensitivity, Aidom wants to avoid dairy products altogether, but finding exciting and easy-to-follow recipes that fit her dietary restrictions has been a challenge. Despite having the time to cook her own meals, Aidom is unsure of where to begin and needs a solution that will make it easier for her to discover and learn new dairy-free recipes.

Sid, a single father with a demanding schedule, struggles to find healthy recipes that cater to his and his son's dietary needs. With work, a long commute, and raising his 5-year-old son, Sid has little spare time to devote to meal planning and preparation. Despite his busy schedule, Sid is committed to maintaining his family's health and wellness. However, he faces challenges due to his son's nut allergy and his own prediabetic condition. A solution is needed that will help Sid quickly and easily find healthy recipes that fit his and his son's dietary requirements, without sacrificing taste or nutrition.

Competitive Audit


Click to view.


I conducted an ideation exercise to explore various layout and feature options, and compiled the best aspects of each design to inform the final product design. 

Nourish App _ Case study (1)_edited.jpg

Starting the design

  • Digital wireframes

  • Low-fidelity prototype

  • Usability studies

Digital Wireframes

As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base screen designs on feedback and user research.

Filtering in user profile to customize what content is shown to them

Highlighting different types of recipes for different dietary restrictions

Screen Shot 2023-05-10 at 3.15_edited.jpg

Lo-fi Prototype

The low-fidelity prototype connected the primary user flow of customizing their dietary needs and browsing different recipes to then follow through with the purchasing/ordering process. This was then used in the usability study. 


View the Nourish App 

low-fidelity prototype

Screen Shot 2023-05-10 at 3.25.15 PM.png

Usability Study Findings


Users wanted a feature that saved all of their favorite recipes in one spot for them to easily return to.



Users wanted an interactive shopping list built into the app.

Shopping List


Users want a way to customize their profile so they are shown only relevant content to them.



Refining the design

  • Mockups

  • High-fidelity prototype

  • Accessibility


Early designs allowed for some customization, but after the usability studies, I continued to use a very similar layout according to the users input on wanting a filtering system so they could easily customize their recipe suggestions. 

Before usability study

After usability study

Wireframes (1).png

Mockups cont.

As I iterated on the app design based on usability study feedback, I added shopping list feature to enhance user experience and convenience.

Before usability study

After usability study

Wireframes (2).png
Wireframes (3).png
Wireframes (4).png
Wireframes (5).png
Wireframes (6).png
Wireframes (7).png

Hi-fi Prototype

The final high-fidelity prototype presented cleaner user flows for the browsing process and interacting with the apps features. It also met user needs for recipe filtering and saving recipes.


View the Nourish app high-fidelity prototype.

Screen Shot 2023-05-10 at 3.58.58 PM.png

Accessibility Considerations


High contrast color and font.


Language translation in profile settings.


We would like to see this app develop into an experience suitable for all users.


  • Impact

  • What I learned

  • Next steps



The Nourish app promotes healthy eating habits by providing users with affordable and nutritious recipes that cater to different dietary and health restrictions. The app's features streamline meal planning and preparation with a shopping list and saved recipes tab, and integrates with grocery delivery services for added convenience. By making healthy eating more accessible and convenient, the Nourish app has the potential to positively impact users' health and well-being.


What I learned:

What I learned is that there is an issue with accessing healthy foods in lower income areas, people with dietary needs and health restrictions are getting bored with the same recipes, and there is a need for an app that addresses these challenges.

Thank you for taking the time to review my work! To see more, click here. Other ways to connect, check out my socials down below. 

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